Precision Unmanned Navigation and Cargo Handling (PUNCH) 2017

Project Description

A colleague and I decided to form a team to enter the AIAA Precision Unmanned Navigation and Cargo Handling (PUNCH) competition. This compeition was to simulate package delivery with a UAV. Small packages (under 5 lbs) were to be delivered with precision to specified targets. I led the team of five to construct the airframe. I designed the system architecture and the software.

Project Technical Details

With a relatively low budget of around $500 we had to make certain design decisions to fit in this budget but remain competitive. The overview of the system is shown to the left in the technical presentation we prepared for the competition. The main things that kept the cost down was the inexpensive hexacopter kit we purchased and cheap off the shelf on-board computer and camera.

Video from Competition

Here you can see video shot from another drone of our drone delivering a package in the competition. The aircraft takes off from the specified area and flys over to the specified GPS coordinates. It lands, drops the package and takes off again. It then returns the the takeoff area and lands. This is completely autonomous, we have a safety pilot who switches a switch to start the mission.


At competition we were able to deliver two packages to the required delivery zone fully autonomously. As the other teams aircraft was having some issues we won the competition, but we were proud of the successful system we were able to produce and successfully compete.

Project Report